Salt City Rock & Blues FAQs

General Festival Information

Where and what time do the gates open each day?


Smoke on the Water

July 20th, 2024
First Street Beach (Douglas Park)  4:00 P.M.


Saturday August 31, 2024
First Street Beach (Douglas Park)  12:00P.M.

What accessibility accommodations are available at the event?

Handicapped Parking, restrooms and wheel chair accessible seating will be available.

Can we bring in coolers?

No. Coolers or any outside food or drink are not allowed.

Can I leave and re-enter?

No, you may not leave and re-enter.

Is there a lost and found?

Yes, the Lost and Found will be at the Main Gate.

How do I contact the festival?

You can contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone number: 231.655.1395

SCRB Festival Health Policy

We follow CDC recommendations. At this time masks are recommended, but optional.

Permitted items.

  • Portable chairs
  • Blankets
  • Only a clear Ziploc bag can be brought in with personal items. 


Prohibited items? (SOTW and Laborfest)

  • Weapons of any kind.  Concealed weapons are not allowed regardless of whether the  holder has a valid CCW permit. 
  • Coolers
  • Alcohol 
  • Drugs of any kind, including cannabis
  • Backpacks
  • Purses
  • Umbrellas, beach or otherwise
  • No re-entry after 8 PM 


Parade Information

When is the Laborfest parade?

  • The Laborfest parade will be held on Saturday, August 31st, 2024 and starts at 12:30p.m.


Where is the route?

  • The parade route starts at the Manistee Armory and ends at the Manistee Lions Pavilion. 


Can anyone participate in the parade?

  • Yes, just meet at the Manistee Armory and find a Salt City Rock and Blues representative and they will set you up. 


Lineup & Schedule

Who are all of the artists?


1:00 Nick Veine
2:00 BVO
3:00 RPM
4:00 Sufferin’ Suckotash

D.J. Skin Kwan Doe ( 5:00-5:30 and in between sets.)

5:30-6:45 Taylor Makowicki and the Generation Gap
7:00-9:15 Salt City All-Stars, Salt City All Star Review, Red Apple Road

I’m a band/artist. How can I play the festival?

Please use the contact form on our website. Send any videos/audio links for our review.

Is there a schedule for performances?

View the Laborfest schedule here.

Will there be kids programming this year?

LaborFest is an all-ages event. However, Smoke on the Water is a 21 and older event.

Travel Information

Are there Hotel packages?


How do I get to the Festival?

The location is Douglas Park, First Street Beach -Manistee, MI- Right by the Lion.

Will shuttles be available?

Yes- Shuttles from our own Manistee Dial-A-Ride will be available free of charge for both SOTW and LaborFest?

Ticket Information

When do tickets go on sale?


Pre-Sale begins April 15TH. and ends Sept 1st.

Where can I purchase my tickets?

You can purchase tickets locally at Sports Ink and the Manistee County Visitors and Convention Bureau.                 ( Tickets are $30.00.  You must bring exact amount and it is cash only) 

Tickets can also be purchased online for $30.00 + processing fees.  

or at the gate for:

$40.00 Adults

$10.00 Children (5-16)

Free Children under 5

Do I have to be 21 to purchase tickets?

 LaborFest is an all ages event.

Who do I contact if I have issues purchasing tickets online?

Please email [email protected]